How much do I love this time of year? Can I just say that Winter and I have a love/hate relationship?! Sure, it’s beautiful and peaceful and cozy, but March hits and I am D O N E. I need warmth on my face and color in the world. I need SPRING!
Spring means tulips (my fav flower), green grass, budding trees and geese. Oh, the geese! We have a whole gaggle (now that’s a funny word) of geese who return each fall and spring for about a month. The geese are usually the very first sign that spring is on its way.
For some reason, this particular gaggle has designated our rooftop as their official meeting place. It could be that it’s close to our backyard pond. (They love being there, too.) Maybe it’s because we have a pretty tall roof, so they can see their friends coming.
All I know is that, for about a month this time of year, the honking on our rooftop is pretty much incessant. And unfortunately, the spot they like the best is right next to our stove vent. So, you know what that means. Echo-y honking all through the house. For a month. What are they discussing at such great lengths up there?
I know what WE are discussing at great lengths down here, in the kitchen. FOOD! In particular, Easter food. Spring food. And so, without any honking or gaggling, here is an Easter Recipe Roundup of some of our faves, all tied together in one little brunchy package:
Immune-Boosting Strawberry Smoothie
We hope you have a fantastic Easter filled with yummy food, family and love! 🙂
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