I didn’t pay much attention to plantains until I went to Costa Rica with my husband Patrick a few years ago. He served an LDS mission there for two years, so he had…
Cheddar Herb Scones… Who here has an herb garden? I know it’s the middle of winter, but it’s ok to dream about cool summer mornings spent on hands and knees in the…
I’m currently sitting on my couch, eating the Best Paleo Chocolate Pudding, and thinking about dirt. And worms. Yup, that’s right…dirt and worms. Did anyone else eat that treat as a child?…
Have you ever been in a “food rut?” Like, oats for breakie, sandwich for lunch, pasta for din…rinse and repeat. If you’re lucky you’ll mix up the snack. Either an RX bar…
Healthy Loaded Sweet Potato Nachos…yum. The title is quite a mouthful, but so are the nachos so it all works out. Isn’t it funny how words, smells, songs and/or foods can remind you…
Spring! Just that one word makes me happy. I was born in May, which is maybe why I love this time of year so much. The earth seems to breathe again, the…
Today’s post is a throw back to Dudes’ Food Night! We’re not done with the dude’s recipes just yet…In fact, just be prepared to see us slip one in here or there in…
Put those greasy potato chips down people! Your new salty, crunchy friend is here to play. Crunchy roasted chickpeas are a much healthier alternative to your favorite chip, and they are seriously…