
Balance in all things

***This post is sponsored by Albion Fit! We absolutely adore their workout gear, so we’re collaborating with them today! Today through December 27th, 2016, head to their website and use the promo code KIWIANDCARROT to get 15% off any order.

Life can be crazy. It is becoming increasingly important to find balance in all things. Find time for your family, your health and most importantly, others.
Hold on. This isn’t food.

What? A non-food-related-post? On Kiwi and Carrot? It’s preposterous!

No. It’s just balance.

Life can be crazy. It is becoming increasingly important to find balance in all things. Find time for your family, your health and most importantly, others.
It’s so easy to get caught up in everything-not-so-important this time of year (and let’s be real…all year long). The holidays are here, which means endless to-do-lists. Buy this, buy that, stress this, stress that, errands, cooking for this party, baking for that party, present wrapping, card-writing…gaaaahhh it all gets so overwhelming.

Through some recent experiences, I’ve learned a lot about keeping balance in all things. We live in a society that is very obsession-driven. While there’s nothing wrong with being passionate about something, whether it be cooking, fitness, your job, your hobby or being the perfect party planner, it is possible to be too passionate.

As a personal trainer, videographer, food blogger, home-builder, vacation-rental owner, wife, friend, aunt, sister and daughter…my life can get a little hectic. And then add in the holiday season, and my poor husband is left wondering what happened to his wife.

I’ll tell you what happened to her. She’s a stressed out ball of tiredness who hasn’t washed her hair in one too many days. I’m sure no one out there can relate, right? 😉

Life can be crazy. It is becoming increasingly important to find balance in all things. Find time for your family, your health and most importantly, others.
This is where BALANCE comes in. As I’m learning the hard way, as most of us do, it’s ok to turn things down. It’s ok to say “no” to things that don’t really matter. Are your friends really going to remember how perfectly decorated your home was for that Christmas party? Or will they just remember how tired and overwhelmed you seemed? I’m not claiming to be perfect at this. In fact, I still have a far way to go to find perfect equilibrium in my life.

But, I’m trying.

Life can be crazy. It is becoming increasingly important to find balance in all things. Find time for your family, your health and most importantly, others.
This holiday season, take a deep breath. Sit back and enjoy your family, your friends and your neighbors. Do yoga, find something to laugh about and keep balance in all things.

One way to do this is to spend time with those you care about. When I moved away from home for the first time, I suddenly realized how incredibly generous, wise, loving and fun my parents were. They actually weren’t the strict, curfew-inforcing rascals they seemed to be while I was in high school. Funny how that happens…

And now that I’m married, and being so “adultish” myself, oh my gosh. I can’t even describe how grateful I am for them. I attempted to describe how incredible my dad is in our last post, but it hardly does him justice. And my mom. Ok. This food blog has been one of the biggest blessings in my life, because it means I get to spend hours playing chef with her in the kitchen. And let me tell you, most of the time it’s just messes and laughing. Like paralyzing, my-abs-now-hurt kind of laughing.

Life can be crazy. It is becoming increasingly important to find balance in all things. Find time for your family, your health and most importantly, others.
Life can be crazy. It is becoming increasingly important to find balance in all things. Find time for your family, your health and most importantly, others.
So this year, find time for those you love. Find time to be happy. And I don’t mean happy as in stressed-out-real-you-hiding-behind-fake-smile.

I mean be unapologetically, incurably, furiously HAPPY.

Life can be crazy. It is becoming increasingly important to find balance in all things. Find time for your family, your health and most importantly, others.
Because, balance.

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  • Reply Dr. Kimberley | Healthy Life Redesign December 14, 2016 at 12:50 pm

    There is so much truth to this Sarah! You’re very right that people will be more likely to remember if you’re frazzled and stressed out than if you have a less than perfect home or dinner over the holidays. Such a good reminder to tune into how I want to feel going into the holidays and to make time for relaxation and balance.

    • Reply Sarah December 15, 2016 at 9:51 am

      So glad you agree. I hope you have an amazing holiday and find time to spend with family and friends. Cheers!

  • Reply Barbara December 14, 2016 at 7:38 pm

    Ha! The paralyzing kind of laughing is the most important piece. Thanks for the discount code; I’ll have a look. Merry Christmas. 🙂

    • Reply Sarah December 15, 2016 at 9:52 am

      Barbara, You know exactly what kind of laughing I’m talking about right? Haha Always makes for a good time. And you’re so welcome for the discount! They have some really fun products. Happy shopping and happy holidays!

  • Reply Marie Green December 15, 2016 at 12:21 pm

    Yes! Its so easy to get caught up in making things perfect :). I love my friends dearly and I want the best for them. Sometimes I forget the reason we are friends is because they love me as I am, and it doesn’t matter if the party preparations aren’t perfect. Great reminder.

    • Reply Sarah December 17, 2016 at 9:40 am

      Marie, it’s so true! May you have a happy holiday season full of true friends and happy moments 🙂 Cheers!

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