My husband, brother, sis-in-law and I spent two months in Southeast Asia last summer, and spent a week of that in Phuket, Thailand. We tried all sorts of delicious foods, including Thai…
When my son, Andrew, was about three years old, he had a little run-in with a hot chile. We were at a restaurant waiting for our food, and there was a jar…
One of the very best parts of Thanksgiving in my opinion is actually after the fact. No, it’s not Black Friday madness. It’s not the airport craziness… It’s the leftovers! I’m not a…
This is an appropriate “post Halloween” recipe for two reasons: 1. Bone broth. You know, skeletons and stuff? 2. Stomach recovery. (Too much cawwndy in my tummy…) When I first heard of bone…
We are definitely experiencing an unusually warm autumn here in Utah. I’m not complaining! The days are a glorious 75 degrees, and nights are cool and pleasant. Frankly, I’d be happy if…
Flank steak is definitely a staple at our house. Even in the dead of winter, I can be found in boots and coat, grilling up a slab of meat. Nothing tastes better…
If for no other reason, you should make this chili just because of its name…chunky chicken chili. Can’t go wrong! This soup is absolutely LOADED with yummy flavor. It’s got all you…
I have an announcement. This carrot soup is (drumroll please)…husband approved. Whaaaat? Yes, you read that right. My white-bread loving, sugar-cereal eating, sweet-toothed man loved this soup. It may have had to…
What is it about creamy ranch dressing that just works? Works for salads, dipping veggies, dipping crackers, dipping pizza, dipping fingers… The problem is, store-bought ranch is often filled with those nasty…
OK people. Fall Sauce is HERE. We probably should have named this dressing something more sophisticated, like “creamy maple syrup dressing” or “cinnamon Greek yogurt dressing” but let’s face it, there really isn’t…