Let me guess…most of you are totally turned off by the term “grain free.” You’ve tried grain-free bread before and decided you actually don’t like eating cardboard. I get it. But we have a little secret. And it comes in the form of Grain-Free Everything Bagels that are possibly a gift sent from heaven. Not even kidding. I found out a month ago that I have parasites. YUCK. So I’ve been following a strict Paleo diet to reduce inflammation and heal my gut as I get rid of those nasty little buggers. As a foodie enthusiast, this hasn’t been the easiest thing to do…until I found Grain-Free Everything Bagels. I can’t take credit for the brilliant invention of this recipe…I found it floating around the interwebs on multiple blogs and websites, so I’m not sure who the original creator was, but if you’re out there, YOU SAVED MY LIFE. Can we please go to lunch together and become bestie friends forever? Maybe we can involve friendship bracelets and locket necklaces with a photo of these bagels inside? Ok thanks. But really you guys, these are absolutely amazing. We have certain members of our family who are very anti grain-free anything. … Continue reading Grain-Free Everything Bagels
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